Designing for
tactile comfort in
an isolating world.
Disconnection with self in an increasingly connected world. On one hand we are digitally closer than ever through technology and on the other hand we are physically distant due to isolating habits induced by changing behavioural patterns due to tech or events like pandemic.
Sustainable forms and materials for emotional resilience.


+ Research,
+ Contexualisation
+ New findings

+ Analysis
+ Synthesis
+ Aim & Objective

+ Iteration
+ Calibration
+ Testing

+ Finalisation
+ Evaluation
+ Testing
Research show how much our mental well being is determined by tactility and emphasised on the importance of play and partnership

Interviews focused on deciphering what is comfort and discomfort when it comes to day to day lifestyles.
Mapping activities that involve touch, material, hands.

How might
we re-look
at textile
waste ?

A very common sight in Ahmedabad is the Bandhani fabric, beautiful tie and dye textile that is used and recognised by many. The fabric is made by tying hundreds of threads for resist dyeing.

A visit to a Bandhani Dyeing house out that the thread that isused in this tie and dye process is in fact thrown or discardedand ends up in the land fill.
Designing a range of comfort toys using non virgin materials for the purpose of play and relief
Putting the process in a circular model.

Waste to Well Being

'Hand in hand’ is a comfort toy that is a companion in stressful times.
I wanted to make a hand shaped comfort toy because it’s easy to recognise and very inviting; we all wish to hold on to something in times of loneliness, or stress and this hand does just that for us.
The hand aims to destress and unisolate a person when they have no one around. It acts as a partner.

Sleep o’clock can be worn on the wrist, just like a wrist watch. The cushion helps the head to rest on it comfortably and prevents the bones from pressing to hard against the head.

The third toy of the series is Twisty.The idea was to create something you can hold and fidget with. Twisty gives you the freedom to do anything with it;one can twist it, roll it, wrap it around their arm or hand, knot it, tie it, etc. it allows one to ‘play’ with it.

The foot rest aims to comfort the feet and also acts as a swing when we feel like playing or moving our legs around. It helps in destressing our legs.In the user testing stages, the users found the swing to be extremely comfortable; sitting in the same position while working can jam our joints, especially the legs; the foot swing is a thing of play for the feet.